Revolutionizing wood panel handling with vacuum tube lifters

Board mills often face the challenge of transporting heavy coated boards to CNC machines for processing. Not only does this task require a lot of physical labor, but it also poses risks to the health and safety of employees. However, with the help of innovative vacuum tube lifters from HEROLIFT, this tedious process can be significantly improved, reducing physical stress on workers and increasing overall efficiency.

HEROLIFT’s vacuum tube lifters are designed to meet the specific needs of board mills. Capable of handling loads up to 300kg, these lifts provide a powerful and reliable solution for transporting heavy planks with ease. Available with dual or four suction cups, the lift is versatile and adaptable to accommodate a variety of panel sizes and weights.

One of the main features of the vacuum tube lifter is the adjustable suction cup, which can be placed at different distances on the beam. This flexibility makes it easy to handle large, bulky boards, simplifying the transport process and reducing physical stress on employees. By utilizing vacuum technology, the lift can securely grip the panels, ensuring stability and safety during transportation.

Using vacuum tube lifters in a wood panel factory not only improves operational efficiency but also prioritizes employee well-being. By reducing the physical exertion required to move panels, lifts help create a safer, healthier work environment. In turn, this can improve worker productivity and morale, ultimately benefiting the overall factory performance.

Additionally, the use of vacuum tube lifters is in line with the industry’s focus on sustainable and ergonomic solutions. By minimizing physical labor in panel transport, lifts contribute to a more sustainable workflow, while also reducing the risk of workplace injuries. This emphasis on sustainability and employee well-being reflects positively on Board Factory’s reputation and its commitment to responsible manufacturing practices.

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In addition to the practical advantages, vacuum tube lifters provide a cost-effective solution for board mills. Lifts help save costs and increase operational efficiency by streamlining the handling process and reducing the risk of panel damage. With their durable construction and reliable performance, vacuum lifters represent a long-term investment in optimizing plant operations.


In summary, the integration of HEROLIFT’s vacuum tube lifts offers board mills a transformative opportunity to revolutionize their handling processes. By solving the challenges associated with transporting heavy planks, these lifts provide a comprehensive solution that prioritizes efficiency, safety and sustainability. As the industry continues to evolve, the adoption of innovative technologies such as vacuum tube lifts is critical to driving progress and ensuring a competitive advantage in the market.

Post time: Sep-05-2024